ENE.HUB is excited to see the release of the Standards Australia Digital Twin White Paper yesterday.

This document lays out a series of critical recommendations for Australia’s future in the digital economy and how it can embrace the opportunity of ‘digital by default’ in the delivery of infrastructure and public services and the protection of our climate and natural landscapes.

ENE.HUB’s Head of Digital Urbanism Adam Beck was a co-author of the paper and said “this paper offers a clear pathway for Australia to be a global leader in using Digital Twin’s as a platform for activating data and repairing our living infrastructure, shaping the built environment, and delivering public services we rely on. It’s a tool for productivity, liveability, and sustainability.”

ENE.HUB and its parent company Indara continue to invest in Digital Twin capability – including digital connectivity, data integration and IoT, data analytics, simulation, and visualisation.

Information on our journey can be found here: Place Futures Note – Digital Twins and Driving Innovation Through Digital Twin Technology.

You can download the Digital Twin White Paper here and button on top.

Image Credit: Standards Australia.

From left: George Sfinas (Engagement Manager at Standards Australia) Claire Ripley (Strategic Initiatives Manager at Standards Australia), Gavin Cotterill, (Founder of GC3) Meredith Hodgman (Representative of Internet of Things Alliance Australia) and Adam Beck (Head of Digital Urbanism at ENE.HUB).