ENE.HUB has opened applications for their new initiative – the Digital Urbanism Internship program.
Through ENE.HUB’s _Live program, we are advancing a series of projects that are seeking to establish new industry standards in the use of digital and data innovations as supporting enablers for vibrant public places.
The three core projects included within the _Live program are:
- The Charter for Digital Urbanism
- The Digital Trust Project
- Street Lab
Three interns are sought for our first cohort, to each take on a support role for each of these projects for three months.
Applicants will be studying in Sydney, pursuing a degree in one of the many traditional urbanism professions, and/or digital, data, economic development or an affiliated cities-inspired thematic area that relates to the three projects.
An information pack is available for Download, which includes all the relevant information, including link to the application portal.
Applications and enquiries to: adam_beck@ene-hub.com