ENE.HUB are firm believers that accelerating the benefits of connectivity and data insights for our communities should be underpinned by a strong level of transparency and trust. Citizen’s demand this of their governments and other institutions, and we see this being no different for the private sector.

Digital trust is an important agenda, and a discussion we must have. We collectively must plan, design, procure and deploy innovative solutions that are shaped by purpose and meaning, deployed with transparency, and operated in an ethical way.

The purpose of this webinar is to share information about the idea of digital trust and how we nurture it as an opportunity for shaping better places.

This webinar covered:

  • The fundamental attributes of digital trust, transparency, privacy, ethics and data governance
  • Some examples of processes, tools and pilot projects that can help place managers, Council’s and land authorities build digital trust with their stakeholders
  • Recommendations on how policy makers and city shapers can collaborate to advance digital trust opportunities.

To help break down digital trust and build processes for embracing the opportunity, we assembled a panel of guests who shared their perspectives, including: