In August 2023 we set out to explore some of the emerging issues when it comes to digital data and the public realm.

Some issues have been known for some time, but with little clarity on what good looks like. Some other issues are new to our industry and need to be built from the ground up.

ENE.HUB in its role as a market leading company delivering digital infrastructure and data services in the public realm felt compelled to help build greater awareness of these issues, and help push the market place forward.

Life_Enabled became the platform for this – a place where we could share our journey with everyone, and what we discovered.

We use ‘projects’ to help in our discovery, including Street Lab, The Digital Trust Project and the Charter for Digital Urbanism. And we use communication tools like articles, place notes, podcasts and webinars to share the work.

This publication – Public Realm Futures –summarises the first year of this journey.

We hope you enjoy this content, and we look forward to sharing more as we enter our second year.